Fleet management is the use of a set of vehicles to provide a service to a third party or the undertaking of an activity in an organisation in the most efficient and effective way possible.
This is done within a certain budget, in line with a certain standard of service and in accordance with current legislation.
Fleet management is fundamental in a company in order to develop its strategy, reduce costs, optimise fleet management activities, improve the service provided, reduce contaminating emissions and increase mobility in cities.
As such, individuals involved in the fleet management process must have the sufficient knowledge and experience to meet the aforementioned targets.
Advanced Fleet Management Consulting organises the “Vehicle Fleet Management Course” with a view to training fleet management professionals to adopt an overall vision and to understand the key factors and activities involved in the management of a fleet of vehicles.
The unique course offers an innovating focus, developing an original methodology for vehicle fleet management.
The goals of the course are the following:
- Acquire the global vision of what is to manage a vehicle fleet.
- Know which are the activities and the key factors involved in fleet Management.
- How develop the organization strategy through fleet management.
- What guidelines must hold the fleet management policy.
- Know the fleet cost structure and how to calculate the cost per Kilometre, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and budget.
- How to calculate the optimal number of the vehicles of the fleet
- How to set the level of service that the organization provides using the vehicle fleet
- How to acquire the vehicles: renting or in property.
- What types of vehicles and equipment to acquire.
- Which are the key factors involved in fleet operations.
- How to control and reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
- How to control and reduce traffic accidents.
- How to manage the fleet tyres.
- How to set the disposal/replacement policy of the vehicles.
- How to set the fleet management scoreboard.
- How to analyze the fleet data (Big Data).
- How to measure the fleet management performance.
- Which fleet management activities can be outsourced to third parties.
- Which requirements must have the telematics software of the fleet.
- Know the requirements to change to an electric vehicle fleet.
- Know the new fleet management tendencies.

Download free our eBook “Introduction to Fleet management” that develops how to manage any type of vehicle fleet through all his activities and key factors.
Fleet management is the use of a set of vehicles in order to provide services to a third-party, or to perform a task for our organization, in the most efficient and productive manner with a determined level of service and cost.

Graph 1: fleet management activities
The content of the course is the following:
- Fleet Management activities
- Which are the fleet management activities and their relation among them.
- Fleet Management policy
- Policy guidelines of each fleet management activity
- Fleet´s costs
- Types and cost structure
- TCO (Total Cost of Ownership): practical case using the excel
- Calculating the cost per kilometre/mile: practical case using the excel
- Fleet management budget: practical case using the excel
- Calculating fleet size
- Relation between the direct costs and the service level
- Practical case
- Types of fleets
- Calculation the optimal number of vehicles of the fleet
- Acquiring the fleet´s vehicles
- How to acquire the fleet’s vehicles: in property or by renting/leasing
- Choosing the vehicle’s brand and ranges
- Choosing the type of equipment for the vehicle fleet
- Choosing the type of fuel for the vehicle fleet
- Choosing the type of insurance for the vehicle fleet
- Choosing the suppliers for the vehicle fleet
- Organizational factors
- Fleet operations
- Fleet maintenance management
- Management and analysis of the vehicle´s breakdowns
- Fleet spare parts management
- Choosing, controlling and monitoring the vehicles´s tyres
- Preventing and reducing traffic accidents
- Control and reduction of the vehicles´s fuel consumption
- Using owned or outsouced workshops
- Disposal/replacement of the fleet´s vehicles
- Disposal/replacement disposal policy
- Practical case
- Sales channel of the vehicles´s fleet
- Choosing the suppliers for selling the vehicles
- Setting the maximum time for selling the vehicles
- Organizational factors
- Fleet´s information system
- Scoreboard
- Data analysis (Big Data)
- Report for the executives
- How to measure the fleet´s performance
- Theoretical model
- Practical case
- Controlling and monitoring the fleet´s vehicles
- What information to register in order to know the traceability of the
- What information to register in order to know the traceability of the
- Auxiliary services
- Insurance, accidents, traffic tickets/fines, vehicles technical inspection,
current laws and technical modifications of the vehicles.
- Insurance, accidents, traffic tickets/fines, vehicles technical inspection,
- Outsourcing and organizational structure
- Requirements to outsource certain fleet management activities to third-
parties - Setting the guidelines to outsource certain fleet management activities to
third-parties - Setting the processes, the organizational structure, the jobs profiles, the
activities and the controls needed.
- Requirements to outsource certain fleet management activities to third-
- Telematics services and management software
- Setting the guidelines for the acquisition and operation of the telematics
services and management software.
- Setting the guidelines for the acquisition and operation of the telematics
- Electric Fleet Vehicle
- Operational requirements needed to acquire electric vehicles
- Fleet management future trends
- Internet of things (IoT), autonomous vehicle, etc.
- The course is aimed to executives, middle managers, fleet managers and any professional related to fleet management.
- Course duration: 20 hours/3 days.
- Course certification: Introduction to fleet management.
- Course material: my book “Introduction to fleet management”, and the slides of each chapter in PDF.
The course lecturer is José Miguel Fernández Gómez, CEO of Advanced Fleet Management Consulting
Advanced Fleet Management Consulting delivers the course in two different formats:
A single company pays for the course for its employees. The course is delivered in the company headquarter, anywhere in the world, in English. The following companies have previously opted for this type of course:
- Grupo Cepadem
- Guardia Civil
- Molinero Logística
- Transportes Reyco
- TiTSA (Transportes interurbanos de Tenerife)
This type of course is open to all companies. We have previously held courses in Spain and Mexico, and are able to deliver the course anywhere in the world, in English.
We usually organize the open course in collaboration with associations of transportation, logistics, mobility, etc. and there are also presentations of fleet management technologies companies such as telematics, optimization, etc.
The companies that have ever performed a presentation in the open course are the following:
Several companies of different sizes and sectors have attended to the open course, including:
Please feel free to contact us for a quote for the Fleet Management Course.
Course protected by copyright.