Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition-Stuttgart 9-11th of October
The next 9-11th of October is to be held the EVS30 – the Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, is the industry meeting point for the entire electromobility industry. Manufacturers, users and decision-makers can get the latest picture of all forms of electric mobility in Stuttgart and discuss new trends and possible uses of electric power transmission.
Every 12 to 18 months, researchers, government representatives and industry experts from around the world gather for the latest update on all aspects of electricmobility. They discuss its technologies and components, such as battery and fuel cell drives as well as new trends. The event rotates between North America, Europe and Asia.
Following the motto “Industrialization and market – the sustainable path to electromobility” the conference will highlight latest research projects, technological advances, market development strategies and innovative business models for electromobility concepts.
The exhibition shows all areas of electric power transmission, special vehicles from the construction sector, agriculture and logistics. At EVS30 manufacturers and providers of charging infrastructure, energy management systems, as well as software solutions for networked and autonomous driving will show their innovations.
Source: Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition
Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition-Stuttgart 9-11th of October
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I´m a Fleet Management expert, and the manager of Advanced Fleet Management Consulting, that provides Fleet Management Consultancy Services.