The fleet size and mix pollution-routing problem
This paper introduces the fleet size and mix pollution-routing problem which extends the pollution-routing problem by considering a heterogeneous vehicle fleet. The main objective is to minimize the sum of vehicle fixed costs and routing cost, where the latter can be defined with respect to the cost of fuel and CO2 emissions, and driver cost. Solving this problem poses several methodological challenges. To this end, we have developed a powerful metaheuristic which was successfully applied to a large pool of realistic benchmark instances. Several analyses were conducted to shed light on the trade-offs between various performance indicators, including capacity utilization, fuel and emissions and costs pertaining to vehicle acquisition, fuel consumption and drivers. The analyses also quantify the benefits of using a heterogeneous fleet over a homogeneous one. ÇağrıKoça. TolgaBektaşa, OlaJabalib. GilbertLaportec. Transportation Research Part B 70 (2014) 239–254.
The fleet size and mix pollution-routing problem
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I´m a Fleet Management expert, and the manager of Advanced Fleet Management Consulting, that provides Fleet Management Consultancy Services.